I have been trying the game out for over a week.
I have reset my character half a dozen times & tried different strategies eg. level up as fast as possible, max attack strength & go after others, keep a low profile & invest in property, max out defensive strength etc.
I re-enter the game at level one, I look around & I see other level one players with hundreds in their mob, huge inventories of wealth, weapons etc.
Im asking myself is this gonna be worth my time or am I just gonna be canon fodder to people who have already 'ahem' spectacular advantages over 'normal' players.
No matter what aproach i take im always hamstrung by lack of 'energy'.
I do a couple of lousy missions to get even basic weapns then forced to sit on the sidelines waiting waiting for energy so i go do something to get more money to enable me to achieve something.. meanwhile the jackals move in & attack me while im off line devastating my 'health' & depleting my meager 'cash'.
It is starting to seem pointless.. no what strategy you use there ia always heaps of people with overwhelming superiority who drag you down & prevent you from achieving much.
Should i ignore the aspect of 'health', & not spend vast sums on emergency room?
Does being killed have any real impact on your progress other than temporarily resetting your health counter to zero?