Who would of thought everyone would glorify a world of unknown myths and half truths. Growing up in Phili (Old Town) you knew who was who. I'm talking years ago, yes I'm old, before they started to clean up the joint and now they're more media mafia than ever. The days when you talked smack you'd get smacked. If you where one of the unluckies you went east to one of the hog farms and disapear. Yes hogs do eat bones, but some need to be broken up a little to fit in their mouths. Dont that sausage taste umm-umm good.
Word of advice if you don't cheat, I don't, find some fool and keep rolling him. He'll be your personal ATM. I have two that joined my family that I visit time to time for protection. I told them like this " Your lucky you can cheat and I'm not able so if you want help prevent anyone else rolling you or someone sings a tune to the imob admin you need to pay for protection. " I hate cheaters. Sorry if you do but if you cheat at a stupid game how can I trust you. When I grew up we'd fine flakes like this posing as bum's at the buss station bugging for money so they could go see their sick mamma or some line like that. Next thing you know their pockets are fatter than yours with cash. Yep, I true bum gets his money and will leave so not to ruin a good spot. These people trying to use their size or race to indimidate people into giving them cash. Shoot you just follow their but into the bathroom and pop them with a black jack. Now you done a public service and you made some green.